Featured categories

key word



Amani Pastry

51 Algiers El Waili Street, , Hadayek El Kobba, Cairo

Featured categories: Oriental and Western Sweets
key word : Candy
+ 1

Symonds Sweets

112 26th of July Corridor, Omar Khayyam, , Zamalek, Cairo

Featured categories: Oriental and Western Sweets
key word : محل حلويات

El Esawy Pastry

41 The Boulaqiya Canal, , Shoubra, Cairo

Featured categories: Oriental and Western Sweets
key word : محل حلويات

Smile Sweets

8 Al-Sharif Street, Ard Al-Liwa, , Mohandeseen, Giza

Featured categories: Oriental and Western Sweets
key word : محل حلويات

altaybeen Sweet

Street 9, Mokattam, , Mokattam, Cairo

Featured categories: Oriental and Western Sweets
key word : محل حلويات